Elliot Jackson Jones Memorial Scholarship

Capstone Alliance awards a $1000 scholarship each January to an LGBTQ+ student working to improve the lives and welfare of LGBTQ+ persons on campus, in Alabama, or more broadly. The Elliot Jackson Jones Scholarship is named after the founder of the first gay-straight alliance group on campus in 1983, which brought gay rights to the Capstone for the first time. He passed away as a young man due to complications from HIV/AIDS and cancer. His memory and legacy live on in this scholarship, as well as scores of queer youth activists who have graced this campus since his brave stand.

UA students who are working to improve the lives and welfare of LGBTQ+ persons on campus, in Alabama, or more broadly are encouraged to apply. There is no need to be nominated by faculty or staff at UA.

Click here to apply for the Elliot Jackson Jones Memorial Scholarship

DEADLINE: January 15th 2020
AMOUNT: One-time, non-renewable award of $1000.00

Click here to make a donation to support the EJJ Memorial Scholarship
(search for “The Elliot Jackson Jones Memorial Scholarship”)